Egalitarianism is Evil in Disguise

Egalitarianism is pure evil.  People who invoke the term are trying to arouse emotions to win a popularity contest.  The masses generally regard them as moral and just.  They aren’t.  They might be able to point to short-run gains, but there will be disaster in the long-run.  Don’t cede the moral high ground.  They might concede that it’s bad in practice, but it’s a good theory.  This is entirely wrong.  Egalitarianism is evil in theory.

Many supporters will agree that it’s been bad historically, but is a good theory.  However, they will claim that what has been tried isn’t “real.”  All that means is it doesn’t conform to how they and their friends think.  If it’s bad in practice, it’s bad in theory.   By saying it’s not “real” allows them to engage in evil activity with impunity.  Then they are surprised—real or acting—that  evil caused evil, and someone else will come along a say it wasn’t “real.”

The supporters of egalitarianism think they are free from any intellectual influence.  They will claim they are “practical,” but they aren’t.  These half-baked ideas can be attributed to the French socialists, Karl Marx, and others after them.  These ideas aren’t new, and has led to death and starvation.  One only needs to take a cursory glance at history to see the many failed communes and egalitarian societies.  They haven’t worked voluntarily or nonvoluntarily.

Albert Einstein pointed out that insanity is trying the same thing over and expecting different results.  It’s not a stretch to point out the advocates of egalitarianism are insane.  They failed before and they will fail again.  It will only lead to misery.  There aren’t guarantees in life, but you can be certain none of these statist schemes will work.  How many times must it fail, and fail horrendously, for people to stop being fooled?

The term is just a cloak for their evil intentions.  Some may even believe it, and will seem sincere with their promises.  It won’t work whether they’re sincere or disguising their true intentions.  There is a high degree of variability between humans.  Not only that, there’s a high degree of variability in the geographical region.  They aren’t talking about equality under the law.  They are talking about outcome. 


Murray Rothbard; Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and other Essays

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