Masters of the Mirage

Those who manipulate will often cloak themselves in virtue.  If they were honest about their intentions, few would follow.  The ability to separate what’s truly good from what merely sounds good is essential—not just for individual survival, but for the integrity of society itself.  To elevate a group solely because of political correctness is to submit to a form of control disguised as virtue.  It is not about kindness, it is about dictating what can and can’t be said.

The decline of critical thought has reached a point where truth is measured by emotional comfort.  Truth does not adjust itself to feelings.  When reality is filtered through sentiment rather than reason, error is inevitable.  Truth is not a matter of consensus or collective agreement.  It does not bend under pressure.  Instead, falsehoods are dressed up as noble causes, offering easy answers that require no thought, no sacrifice, no discomfort.  It is easier to distribute comfortable fictions than to challenge people with uncomfortable realities.

Many recoil from truth because it disrupts their illusions.  Those who seek approval will never risk telling you what you don’t want to hear.  They fear losing favor more than they fear being wrong.  This lack of discernment has led to an enforced conformity: if some are wrong, then all must be wrong together—or else.  This masquerades as tolerance, but it is nothing more than ideological coercion.  Dissent is not debated it’s silenced. Lies thrive when questioning them is forbidden.

Ignoring dangerous ideas isn’t enough.  They must be challenged directly, or they will spread unchecked.  They arrive dressed in the language of compassion, yet they seek only control.  They do not persuade, they distort.  They do not guide, they manipulate.  They are allowed to flourish because generations have been conditioned not to question.  Education no longer teaches people how to think—it trains them in obedience.  A well-trained mind doesn’t need to be censored, it will censor itself.

Deception thrives where truth is unfamiliar.  Many have been shielded from reality their entire lives, made to believe that comfort is more important than clarity.  They mistake compliance for virtue.  Political correctness is not politeness.  It’s a mechanism of power.  False prophets peddle grand promises and gather willing followers.  With deception comes influence.  With influence comes wealth.  It’s far easier to mislead the masses than to serve them honestly.  Those who don’t recognize the illusion will be ruled by those who create it.


Jerry Haughton; The Mind Benders

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