- Authority thrives on dependency, not order.
- Freedom diluted by democracy is freedom denied.
- The more the state grows, the smaller the individual becomes.
- Censorship is the state’s greatest weapon against truth.
- Tyranny begins where individuality ends.
- You can vote for change, but change has already been pre-approved.
- The loudest voices are often the most controlled.
- Centralized power is the slow poison of liberty.
- Fear is the currency of the authoritarian state.
- When law serves power, justice becomes its casualty.
- False freedom is a greater trap than overt oppression.
- Public opinion is easily bought when the price is comfort.
- Control of speech is the first step toward control of thought.
- A law for everything is a freedom for nothing.
- The façade of safety is often used to hide chains.
- Conformity is the death of reason.
- Totalitarianism begins when the individual surrenders the mind.
- True liberty makes no deals with authority.
- Consensus can be more dangerous than division.
- The greater the government, the weaker the soul.
- They reject the argument but just change its appearance—the substance remains.
- Statism is the father of misery.
- The state isn’t performing self-defense actions, it’s self-preservation actions.
- Cleverness is more highly regarded than intelligence.
- What sounds bizarre today will be normal tomorrow.
- Lawlessness is written into law.
- The push for democracy is a push against freedom.
- Nothing will strip you of logic faster than fear.
- If you control fear in society, you control society.
- Liberty and democracy are inversely proportional.
- Democracy is the political version of bestiality and savagery.
- Democracy is incompatible with private property.
- Universal democracy is the end of freedom on earth.
- Voting doesn’t control the government, the government controls you.
- Freedom transformed the world, totalitarianism will destroy it.
- Party bureaucracy is worse than bureaucracy.
- The alliance between the mob and the so-called elite is temporary.
- Contradiction is sheer necessity.
- The totalitarians rest on making lies sound like truth.
- Repetition will override facts.
- Voting is how they flatter tyrants.
- In them, is nothing new nor true.
- Truth is above emotion.
- Congress is a communist front organization.
- Why do the people allow themselves to be exploited?
- The results are in, many are tyrants in disguise.
- Democracy is the degeneration of political organization.
- The overlords aren’t as wise and farsighted as you think they are.
- Evil people will masquerade as angels of light.
- Pseudo-economists have a degeneration instinct.
- Pretending to be moral doesn’t belong in science.
- The seed of authoritarianism has blossomed into the leviathan.
- Attempting to measure the unmeasurable is pseudo-science.
- Statism is reverse natural selection.
- Formulas say absolutely nothing about reality.
- Why do you pay people to harm you?
- Evil is not where it’s identified, depending on who you listen to.
- Statism is the result of herds.
- Worshiping the state as God is causing your misery.
- Religion is a deadly disease afflicting the body politic and must be destroyed.
- Culture and the past must be destroyed to destroy freedom.
- The state chooses to soften and bend the will rather than a brutal breaking.
- The champions of the sick perpetuate lies.
- Social justice is collective envy.
- The modern world is a paradise for parasites.
- The masses have the complex of a spoiled child.
- Where is the politician who wouldn’t deceive mankind for his vanity?
- Political parties are secret societies formed in broad daylight.
- Politics is the last refuge of stupidity, intolerance, and hopelessness disguised as ethics and morals.
- Never blindly trust “official” history.
- They’ll always be different so they can try to claim the moral high ground.
- A dominating state will never leave you alone.
- The fear outside is really a fear inside, from their unconscious.
- I take the side of life. Illogic is death.
- Those for freedom are enemies of tyrants.
- The intoxication from propaganda has succeeded.
- Right and wrong don’t matter. It’s about what’s advantageous or injurious to the state.
- Freedom is politically impossible.
- World politics just differs in scale from megalomania.
- Expansion is always the political goal.
- The political class wants to clothe imperialism as capitalism but it’s statism.
- The state is parasitic and should be ostracized as effeminate and a freeloader.
- People confuse thinking with reacting.
- The masses have plunged into extreme statism.
- Adults have been reduced to peevish children.
- Authority doesn’t allow itself to be the subject of criticism.
- It’s not acceptable to torture someone in close, why is it acceptable to torture them from afar?
- The state is holding a knife to your throat.
- If you bury people today, you could be buried tomorrow.
- Men display a castration complex.
- Being an individual creates separation anxiety.
- Mass psychosis has reached a dangerous level.
- The shepherds have tuned into wolves.
- Ignorance is more likely to cause evil than intentions.
- Totalitarians are emboldened by compliance.
- They aren’t offended, their pride is offended.
- Compliance is fuel for totalitarianism.
- The masses dream of their misery.
- The saying, “better dead than red,” has switched around.
- Truth is out of season.
- The new idol feeds the herd poison.
- Property is never safe.
- There is a pandemic of hysteria.
- There’s a difference between living and existing.
- Societies decay after centralization.
- Statism is the primary neurosis of the modern age.
- The state devours and the herd complies.
- The golden ball has fallen into the abyss, it must be retrieved.
- The “vaccine” is the mark of the beast.
- A vaccine card is the same thing as a card carrying communist, but they are card carrying statists.
- To be great, you must be different.
- The herd is overrun with complexes.
- Freedom is a remnant of the soul.
- The soul is never finished, what will you become?
- The biggest deception is self-deception.
- To speak truths is to speak blasphemies.
- There’s a big difference between learnedness and wisdom.
- Politics is a constant pandemic of hysteria.
- The state is fighting for “the new normal.”
- In today’s perverted world, even truth seems like a lie.
- The individual is dragged away to the slaughterhouse.
- Fear prevents people from accepting the truth.
- Two people can’t have ownership of the same good.
- Democracy is fertile soil for tyranny.
- People who watch reality TV know more than those who watch news, although the latter thinks they know more than the former.
- Social proof isn’t proof.
- Cognitive dissonance prevents people from accepting the truth.
- The state seeks to replace God.
- Envy loves company.
- God is truth, truth is divine, truth is dead—the new idols are here.
- There is more truth in a giant’s error than a small man’s truth.
- ‘Rent’ is legitimate, ‘rent seeking’ is illegitimate.
- Constitutions don’t exist to guarantee the liberties of people, they exist to assert government power.
- Statism turns the people into accomplices, even friends and family.
- The state isn’t the nanny, it is the father.
- Democratism, socialism, and fascism rest on herd morality.
- As they are allowed to release their hatred on freedom, they are turned into maniacs.
- Statism makes the males feminine and the females masculine.
- Those who are honest provoke outrage.
- There is an attempt to make obedience into custom.
- A free mind appears as illness and madness.
- Your mind must be like a liver to be the Übermensch.
- There is no “I” in herd.
- I’m honest so others can be honest.
- Cause and effect are horribly misunderstood.
- Their madness is called justice.
- Humans are the annoyances of daily life.
- Lies are sweeter than truth.
- The essence of truth and science are anchored in freedom.
- If A and B can’t vote to rob C, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote for G to rob C.
- The abnormal has become normal.
- Prophets of doom for the naïve.
- Now, there is a passionate desire for statism.
- Few are honest about truth.
- This is the solution to the crucial problem of people voting with their feet.
- It’s impossible to fix statism with more statism.
- All news and social media are an ideological weapon and intellectual assault against individual thought.
- Any attempt to achieve equilibrium through the use of mathematics will create more market distortions. Equilibrium is a target which can never be hit.
- Locke stated the public must be educated about the insidious nature of money manipulation. Over 300 years later, the situation has regressed, and money can be manipulated at will.
- It’s now frowned upon to improve one’s condition by productive efforts. People are less equipped to deal with the economic crisis that arose from credit expansion. This is when it is most urgent.
- It’s time to look past the political fetish. You must think for yourselves. Do not regurgitate ideas given by the “builders of political air-castles.”
- Truth and untruth divide the world in two and they are not equal.
- A weak stomach cannot handle bitter fruit.
- Democracy is a doctrine of submission; it exists when the slaves are convinced they are the masters.
- Voting is a more peaceful coup.
- Open entry is beneficial in the production of goods. Open entry is not beneficial in the production of bads.
- We do want to find out who is the most efficient food producer, but not who is the most efficient expropriator.
- Everyone can become king in a democracy.
- The vast majority of politicians are babbling psychopaths overcome by parasitic greed.
- Taxes paid by a government employee are nothing more than an accounting fiction.
- What is right is usually what is most difficult.
- Democracy being the best form of government is the myth par excellence.
- It’s impossible to understand capitalism, love humanity, and hate capitalism.
- Political science is not a science at all; it’s a revolt against nature.
- Viewed objectively, politics violate property rights. Viewed subjectively, convictions will block the truth.
- Opponents of capitalism are enemies of humanity, leftist are opponents of capitalism, leftist are enemies of humanity.
- The left and right are fundamentally and philosophically statists.
- As democracy spreads, personal liberty recedes.
- As democracy expands, the herd grows; as the herd grows, de-civilization expands, and the mind recedes.
- Nearly all are statists whether they know it or not.
- Democracy is socialism for the naïve.
- Envy is the driving force of statist ideologies, including democracy.
- Democracy is the future tyranny.
- Their souls are nourished by envy.
- Sophisms are an overgrowth in the mind of humanity.
- Property cannot be protected under democracy; property must be protected from democracy.
- Socialism is evil on its face; democracy is socialism in disguise.
- Democracy will lead the non-sheep to the slaughterhouse along with them.
- Democracy destroys your money and soul.
- A free democracy is a contradiction in terms.
- Parties emerge out of anti-market ideology.
- Democracy destroys values, wealth, civilization, and the individual.
- Democracy is conditioned by the inferiority complex.
- Politics is about the effectiveness of semantic confusion, more precisely, the effectiveness of lies.
- The masses remain blissfully unaware of what is happening to all aspects of their lives.
- Their goal is not the protection of private property, but the protection of the leftist ideology.
- Good intentions will not make unsuitable means suitable.
- Bureaucracy restricts thought and human development.
- There is an absolute and immutable law, that is natural law. However, there is no absolute and immutable value, value is subjective.
- Common and civil law can be just as perverted as the other.
- State action strips you of your individuality.
- Politics is the antithesis of freedom.
- Some knowledge does arise absolutely independent of experience. The knowledge structure of the human mind is part of the collective unconscious; a tabula rasa cannot exist.
- Making the darkness conscious will open the pathway to pure intuition.
- It becomes more difficult to deceive the masses the higher taxes rise; states around the world have to inflate.
- The news spoon feeds you statist propaganda.
- Inflation is not a phenomenon, the cause is not in question, it’s a product of human action.
- Statism is the destruction of consciousness. At which point, you only achieve partial consciousness and are incapable of making ethical decisions. Thus, are incapable of becoming an adult.
- The state has knocked the herd unconscious. Self-education is required. Consciousness must be regained.
- Not knowing or not accepting the truth eats away the soul.
- Politics is drama and mind control.
- Dogs understand private property better than modern humans.
- You are your biggest burden. Nourish yourself from deep within. The psyche will erupt and relieve the burdens you have created.
- You must look to the future, not the past, to free the psyche.
- Every system needs propaganda except capitalism. Capitalism delivers the goods, literally.
- Politicians are full time liars; a believable liar is a successful politician.
- You must be comfortable lying and/or shamelessly ignorant to be a politician.
- Existence is hazardous and chaotic; it is extremely hazardous and chaotic when philosophy and economics are not understood. While the masses remain oblivious, hazard and chaos expands, and logic recedes.
- Feeble minds are susceptible to propaganda. Feebleness is the essence of the herd.
- The biggest fault of mankind is the intrinsic denial of truth. It is also the greatest danger to the future success of mankind.
- Accepting the truth is what separates the higher from the lower. The honest one is the hated one.
- Wisdom and truth are inseparable.
- Guilt from success will deteriorate future success. The feeling of reward will be replaced by the feeling of agony. Motivation is destroyed, when motivation is destroyed, the individual can no longer progress.
- Criticism against politics is considered blasphemy and the worst sin.
- Fiat money came into existence by a loan plus interest. Thus, more fiat money is owed than in existence. Therefore, the debt can never be paid off under current conditions. Repudiation is the answer.
- Economics is dismal from the statist’s point of view.
- It is impossible to use a constant where everything is a variable.
- They are attacked as heretics for pointing out the logical inconsistencies of the state-idolaters.
- The absence of truth will lead to the progressive decline of humanity.
- Logic is progressively destroyed to progressively destroy liberty.
- Truth takes time, statehouses are its tombs.
- One must be brave before the enemy; the enemy is false ideas.
- They are armed with envy and lies. The use of indirect force is how the herd attempts to bring down the higher man.
- Convictions cannot exist in science and wisdom.
- Democracy can vote itself to tyranny—and it has.
- Democracy is wrongly confused with liberty, freedom, and prosperity. Democracy cannot coexist with liberty, freedom, and prosperity. Democracy is much more closely aligned to tyranny, barbarism, and poverty.
- The herd are overcome with envy and hatred of success. The herd is the enemy of the individual.
- Dependency on the state prevents the individual from becoming an adult. As long as the herd is dependent on the state, they remain a child. This is not different from the mother complex; it shall be called the statist complex.
- Members of the herd may not be alone, but their minds are always alone.
- As natural law recedes, positive law and sin expands.
- The individual is dead. The individual remains dead. And the collective has killed him.
- Politicians are the enemies of truth.
- In war, the masses become sacrificial lambs.
- Voting is not more effective than the task of Sisyphus.
- Politicians dangle a piece of fruit and the masses reach for it like Tantalus.
- Collective ideologies are a result of a search for a scapegoat.
- Man becomes impotent under statist ideologies, and the impotent man is attracted to statist ideologies.
- Power doesn’t corrupt, it attracts the corrupt.
- De-civilization has begun when truth eats at the soul.
- War should be fought in the mind.
- They are all crisis-mongers.
- Democracy, fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking are symptoms of the decline of civilization.
- The masses don’t realize they owe nearly everything they have to capitalism—including their life.
- Advocates of the free market are the intellectual bodyguards of private property.
- The news reinforces what the masses think they know.
- Some do aim at deliberate error. If error is believed, they increase their power.
- If they believe this, they are incompetent; if they don’t, they are liars. Either way, they are unfit.
- All politicians seek tools, successful politicians have found tools and fill their souls with filth.
- There cannot be a claim to morality by those who abandoned the gold standard nor by those who continue to support it.
- Demophiles are soulless automatons.
- Politics produces collective hysteria.
- Don’t let it control you, don’t suppress it, but rather, understand the monster that lurks beneath the surface.
- Strength of mind is required to accept the truth. The truth may prod at your soul, beat the demon back. The process is necessary to become whole.
- What is the purpose? To urge you to not drink the poison.