The belief is nearly universal that money can’t be free. This implies that it must be controlled, regulated, manipulated, and … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
How to Achieve Durable Peace?
This is the age of enlightened totalitarianism. It’s characterized by inflation, wars, control, and hatred of human innovation. It’s … Read the rest
The Possessed Legislators
In the past it was the divine right of kings. The divine right argument isn’t pushed anymore, but the substance … Read the rest
Bizarre Egalitarianism
It’s not unusual for many to cede the moral high ground to the left. However, they say, it’s impractical and … Read the rest
An actor can only choose one action with a given amount of time. This is known as opportunity cost. There … Read the rest
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a threat to totalitarianism. This being the case, totalitarians will attempt to destroy thinking all together. … Read the rest
What is the Optimum Population?
It’s very common to think there is over population. After all, it’s repeated ad nauseum. However, the notion that … Read the rest
The Philosophy of Human Life
All humans must act. Action is always used to remove an uneasiness. Sitting on the couch is still an … Read the rest
Institutional Violence
Violence is a slow process. Step by step it grows more intense. They’ll never push to the point where they’d … Read the rest
Gold is Heavy
It would be inconvenient to carry around gold if the transaction is too large. It has a high value … Read the rest