Statists contradict themselves one after another. They attempt to justify this nonsense with the reasoning of a sorcerer. They are … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
Statism Needs War
Social development needs cooperation. In other words, capitalism needs the division of labor. Statism needs war. Cooperation always means … Read the rest
The Size of the Social Unit: Money
Commodities are impossible to print. Inflating the money supply is much more difficult. A large state can institute paper as … Read the rest
Statism is the destruction of civilized society. It might be aimed at by a slow process or outright rebellion. … Read the rest
Commodity Standard
The use of a medium of exchange is required to expand the size and scope of the market. Many different … Read the rest
Limit of the Mind
The limit of the mind is recognized by the fact that man acts. This is an incontestable axiom. The … Read the rest
The Science of Peace
The law that’s absolutely supreme, inescapable, and eternal is natural law. We can only have justice if natural law … Read the rest
Freedom or Statism
We can either have freedom or statism but not both. Statism is being pushed all over the world. Freedom can’t … Read the rest
Effects of Inflation
Inflation leads to the business cycle, without a doubt. However, it can do something much more sinister, completely obliterate … Read the rest
The idea that interfering with property rights will not influence production is absurd. It’s extremely naïve to think confiscating … Read the rest