The foundation of economics is property. Man is not a puppet to his instincts. He thinks, then acts to … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
Cooperation or Violence
Only humans can cooperate. There is nothing but violence if we don’t cooperate. There is no other means available. … Read the rest
Argumentation Ethics
Argumentation ethics states that: Humans are capable of argumentation and know the meaning of truth. Nonaggression is a necessary … Read the rest
Force and Ideas
Society emerges from human cooperation. Humans cooperate based on ideas. Ideas are not an achievement by isolated individuals, such as … Read the rest
Muddleheaded Babbler
We live in a strange falsification of life.
Oh, how people support superficial measures.
The crowd looks at books as … Read the rest
Liberty Means Property Rights
Liberty rests on the fact that no one can aggress against another. You have a right to your body and … Read the rest
Opportunity Cost
A firm will spend to produce. This is the firm’s cost. They must spend money, but money costs are different … Read the rest
The Public Goods Fallacy
There are no such things as public goods. The public goods lie is repeated so often to hypnotize you—so you … Read the rest
Individuals must be understood prior to understanding the masses. There is a fundamental difference between the physical sciences and the … Read the rest
The Noble Savage?
Capitalism is criticized by the idea of the noble savage. Many think it’s a biological phenomenon that humans cooperate or … Read the rest