The business cycle constantly reappears at attempts to reduce the natural interest rates through policy. This expands credit beyond 100 … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
Money and the Value of Money
It should be clear, nothing has value in itself, only the naïve would think this. In other words, value is … Read the rest
Marketing: The Myth of Advertising
A common argument goes: a company needs to advertise—abracadabra—profits. Well, that’s not what is said, but that’s what it translates… Read the rest
The Warfare State
One only needs to be relatively educated on U.S. history to see the clear trends. Liberty has now reached a … Read the rest
The Size of the Social Unit: Voting with Your Feet
An organic society will consist of many societies. In a large area, statism is only implemented by force. I … Read the rest
Natural Elite
The masses are inundated with propaganda. This begins at an early age and lasts the rest of your life. … Read the rest
The Statist Economy
Capitalism is private ownership. Socialism is government ownership. Fascism is government control. Statism is some combination of socialism and fascism. … Read the rest
Subjective Value
Value judgments express preferences of the acting individual. Action is aimed at the substitution of one state of affairs for … Read the rest
Immoral Choices
Ethics and morals are not the same. Ethics are universal. Morals are not. However, all morals must adhere to ethics. … Read the rest
The Size of the Social Unit: Time Preference
An actor prefers goods sooner than later. Every action requires some amount of time to achieve any goal. Time is … Read the rest