The state operates under a singular premise: nothing surpasses its authority. It wages a quiet war against religion, truth, and … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
The Death of the Individual
Most people mistake the narrative imposed on them by society as their own thoughts. The machinery of collective influence thrives … Read the rest
Chains of Consensus
The trial and execution of Socrates was a centralization effort. Socrates was a provocative figure who questioned authority, exposed contradictions … Read the rest
Risk and Uncertainty
Humans act because the future is uncertain. Every decision we make is a response to the unknown. Yet, not all … Read the rest
The Silent Zoo
The political elite do not bear the burden of their failures—we do. Humanity is not progressing; we are regressing, surrendering … Read the rest
The Eyes of the State
Statism cloaks itself in the garb of science. It does this through the relentless collection of statistics. These aren’t just … Read the rest
Confiscation by Design
The Subjective Nature of Value
Value judgments reveal preferences unique to each individual. Every action is an attempt to replace one state of affairs with … Read the rest
Innovation vs. Stagnation
Why Statism Is Doomed to Fail
Statism—encompassing both socialism and fascism—can’t work because it fundamentally lacks the ability to calculate. Socialism, defined as the government owning … Read the rest