The role of interest rates allocating resources is critical to the trade cycle. Booms and busts begin when interest is … Read the rest
Category: Business Cycle
Gold is Heavy
It would be inconvenient to carry around gold if the transaction is too large. It has a high value … Read the rest
Effects of Inflation
Inflation leads to the business cycle, without a doubt. However, it can do something much more sinister, completely obliterate … Read the rest
Boom and Bust
Injecting more fiat money into the economy creates an artificial boom. The boom period is not good for the economy. … Read the rest
Do Depressions Happen in Statist Economies?
It’s commonly believed that depressions don’t happen in statist economies. It’s believed that business cycles happen from the market economy. … Read the rest
What Causes the Business Cycle?
The business cycle is caused by artificial credit expansion by the central bank and commercial banks too—if the reserve requirement … Read the rest
Say’s Law of the Market
It’s commonly said that Say’s law is: production creates its own demand. This is a straw man. This kind … Read the rest
The Business Cycle Explanation
The business cycle constantly reappears at attempts to reduce the natural interest rates through policy. This expands credit beyond 100 … Read the rest
Business Cycle
Just as important as saying what the business cycle is, saying what it is not. It is not something determined … Read the rest