Truth is not what prevails. It’s a mistake to think that merely presenting facts will dismantle the ruling ideology. People … Read the rest
Category: Ideology
You’re All a Bunch of Keynesians!
There is only one economics. It is the study of human action. It does not bend to political trends, academic … Read the rest
The Benevolent Trap
One only needs a basic grasp of history to see the pattern. The state expands, always under the guise … Read the rest
The Illusion of Balance
Either freedom exists, or control does. There is no middle ground. No balance. No coexistence. They claim a little control … Read the rest
The Climb to Freedom
All advancements in human history begin with an idea. Every invention, every movement, every leap forward arises from a spark … Read the rest
Chains of Consensus
The trial and execution of Socrates was a centralization effort. Socrates was a provocative figure who questioned authority, exposed contradictions … Read the rest
Justice Distorted
Justice is one of the most abused and misunderstood terms in modern discourse. Politicians, activists, and authoritarian regimes invoke it … Read the rest
A Tale of Property
At the heart of any ideology lies a fundamental question: What role does property play? When simplified, ideologies are differentiated … Read the rest
The False Idol of Unity
Collectivism is a disease of the human mind. Those who champion it exploit noble-sounding ideals to appeal to emotions, disguising … Read the rest