Humans—The Domesticated Animal

Domesticated Animal

The political class doesn’t suffer from their actions.  We suffer for them.  As humans, we are steadily going backwards.  We are losing our superiority in the animal kingdom.  We are the only rational animal, but that’s diminishing.  The political process has severed us from ourselves.  We have become sick, herd like.  Take a glimpse at an animal in a zoo.  Few would say they are better off than those in the wild.  Humans have become animals in zoos.

The masses have been overcome with collective madness.  Not a beneficial type of madness, like you’re separate from the crowd.  A hysteria that has taken hold of the public.  Humans were well adapted to the uncertainties of life.  Not anymore.  They seek a shepherd.  The shepherd doesn’t carry around a staff, he carries a rod of iron to put all dissenters into place.  Look deep within your soul and understand the hysteria.

Modern civilization is ruining mankind.  It has weakened us to the point of breaking.  Our instincts have been bred out of us.  This is the domestication process at work.  You’re not at peace with yourself.  The sorcerer has taught you to believe you are.  You’re looked upon as an invalid to be used.  Certainly, not as an individual to achieve great things.  The modern world has taught you to want what is harmful.

To look at what causes unhappiness might cause you to overlook the root cause.  It’s your domestication that’s causing you to be unhappy.  This process is causing you to find a new idol.  In essence, you have declared war on yourself.  This is by design.  The new idol can avoid blame.  This will keep him out of the spotlight, and he can remain your idol.  You remain in perpetual doubt about everything but the issue.

Its not a stretch to say man has become domesticated.  This creates a situation where the herd acts in a way the individual would never act on his own.  He’s emboldened by the herd.  The domestication process creates a whiplash effect, and the masses will unleash their passions at a level higher than desired.  People must become de-domesticated to minimize this whiplash effect.  The results won’t be positive if they remain domesticated for too long.


Friedrich Nietzsche; Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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