The Exodus from Mass Delusion

You must detach yourself from the false consensus that engulfs society.  Independent thought is under siege, buried beneath layers of deception and enforced conformity.  The crowd doesn’t reason, it obeys.  It does not seek truth, it seeks validation.  Those who resist are cast out, labeled as heretics.  The penalty for independent thinking is exile from the comfort of mass approval.

Ask yourself: what do they actually believe?  The answer might horrify you.  They don’t believe in principles.  They believe in power.  Their slogans shift with the wind, molded to justify whatever serves their interests.  They will say one thing today and its opposite tomorrow, never acknowledging the contradiction.  Truth is irrelevant to them.  It is an inconvenience to be suppressed.  Their only concern is maintaining control, and their tools are deception, coercion, and fear.

They aren’t educating you.  They are indoctrinating you.  They are not enlightening you.  They are training you to submit.  The highest virtue in their world is obedience.  They call it progress, unity, or responsibility—but these are just words designed to pacify you.  In reality, they demand your servitude.  They punish skepticism.  They reward blind loyalty.

To belong, you must lie—to others and to yourself.  The truth is the greatest crime.  If you speak it, you will be punished.  If you question the narrative, you will be silenced.  There is no limit to what they will destroy to preserve the illusion.  Careers, reputations, friendships—nothing is sacred. Families have been torn apart.  Lifelong bonds have been severed.  People have been reduced to shadows of themselves, willing to parrot any absurdity just to remain in good standing with the group.

Their goal is absolute control, and for that, they must own your mind.  They dictate what you are allowed to say, what you are allowed to believe, even what you are allowed to perceive.  You are expected to ignore reality when it contradicts the narrative.  You are expected to deny what you see with your own eyes.  If the group tells you the sky is green, you must say it is green.  If the group tells you history did not happen, you must pretend it never did. Your ability to think is the greatest threat to their dominance, which is why they demand that you surrender it.

Escaping is not easy.  A lifetime of deception warps perception, making reality feel unfamiliar.  What you thought was knowledge was repetition.  What you thought was education was programming.  You were not taught to think—you were trained to conform.  Every system in place, from the media to the schools to the so-called intellectual elites, has one mission: to keep you within the walls of the illusion.  They call it enlightenment, but it is nothing more than a prison.

It’s time to break free.  The slogans, the rituals, the collective madness—they are chains.  The only way to regain your mind is to reject the false security they offer.  The masses are lost in an intellectual abyss.  Their unity is a mirage.  Their promises are theft.  Their existence is an obstacle to truth.

Step away.  Let them rage.  Let them accuse.  Let them call you whatever names they have been programmed to use against dissenters.  Leave them to their madness.  Freedom begins the moment you refuse to kneel.


Simone Weil; On The Abolition of All Political Parties

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