The Nature of Power

The state operates under a singular premise: nothing surpasses its authority.  It wages a quiet war against religion, truth, and any force that challenges its supremacy.  Where the state grows, institutions rooted in truth and voluntary association—faith, family, community—shrink.  Its so-called philosophy is not a pursuit of wisdom but a calculated scheme to ensure dominance.  What it calls “political science” is a mockery of reason, a rebellion against natural law, replacing inherent order with artificial constructs designed to consolidate power.

Every individual possesses inherent worth, a truth self-evident to reason.  No one has the right to infringe upon another’s life, liberty, or property.  Yet the state denies this fundamental reality.  It places itself above all individuals, reducing them to mere instruments of its will.  Public education, compulsory and controlled, serves as the state’s most effective weapon.  It extinguishes independent thought, replacing it with blind allegiance to the collective ideal.  In doing so, the state installs itself as the ultimate arbiter of morality, truth, and purpose.

This usurpation of values is often disguised with promises of protection and fairness.  The state cloaks its authority in the language of rights, drafting constitutions and laws that appear to limit its power.  These documents are not barriers but tools of control, granting the illusion of restraint while quietly expanding the state’s reach.  If the true implications were understood, few would willingly consent to such arrangements.

The state’s origin is conquest, and its nature remains unchanged.  Though its weapons have shifted from physical force to psychological manipulation, the method is the same.  Friedrich Nietzsche called the state “the slow suicide of all,” and rightly so.  It thrives on tacit consent, which it secures through deliberate miseducation and relentless propaganda.  A poorly educated populace is not a failure of the system but its intended outcome, ensuring compliance and suppressing dissent.

In its quest for unchallenged dominance, the state assumes a quasi-religious role.  By dismantling competing beliefs, it elevates statism to the level of faith.  The rituals of democracy—voting, campaigns, elections—are not acts of empowerment but tools of illusion.  They create the false impression that rulers are chosen by the people or ordained by some higher will.  In truth, voting does not sanctify power, nor does popularity validate truth.  The worst often rise to the top, not as public servants but as masters, while the people they govern are reduced to servants.

The state presents itself as a mythical moloch, demanding ever-greater sacrifices while promising salvation.  It thrives on submission, devouring freedoms in the name of protecting them.  Its ultimate goal is not the betterment of society but the perpetuation of its own existence.  The state’s philosophy, stripped of its illusions, is nothing more than an insatiable lust for control.

To oppose the state is to reclaim the values it seeks to destroy.  It’s to affirm that truth, freedom, and individuality exist beyond its reach.  Recognizing the state’s true nature is the first step toward resisting its encroachments.  Only by rejecting its false promises can the individual reclaim their inherent worth and live free from the shadow of its dominion.


Otto Gierke; Political Theories of the Middle Age

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