Truth is not what prevails. It’s a mistake to think that merely presenting facts will dismantle the ruling ideology. People don’t see the world through raw data. They see it through the lens of the ideas they have already accepted. The ruling class doesn’t govern with force alone. It rules through perception, shaping what people believe is true. Those who benefit from the system will blame every failure on something external. The failure is never the fault of the system itself.
Ideas do not emerge from nowhere. They are cultivated, spread, and embedded in the minds of the masses. The most effective ideas are not the ones built on reason and logic, but the ones that appeal to emotions. The state and its intellectual mouthpieces have long understood this. They monopolize education, media, and culture, ensuring that only certain ideas take root. The individual, lacking the ability to think independently, absorbs these ideas without question. What was once considered radical now seems obvious.
The dominant ideas of our time didn’t rise naturally. They were placed there deliberately. Over decades, even centuries, these ideas were introduced, reinforced, and repeated until resistance to them became unthinkable. The people do not create these ideas. They inherit them from intellectual authorities who serve the system. The masses adopt what they are given, and the state ensures that no alternatives gain traction. A society built on falsehood doesn’t collapse immediately. It decays, rotting from within.
If the so-called intellectuals abandoned these ideas, the people would soon forget them. These intellectuals are not truth-seekers. They’re propagandists. They fill the minds of the people with comforting illusions, keeping them blind to their own enslavement. Evil ideas don’t die on their own. They must be replaced. The correct ideas exist, but they have been buried beneath propaganda, dismissed as outdated, dangerous, or unrealistic. The masses no longer understand property and freedom. These ideas must be revived.
Falsehood wears many masks, but the deception remains the same. The ruling ideology is not noble, not just, not progressive. It’s regressive, oppressive, and destructive. The powerful don’t seek a better world. They seek control. The battle is not won by proving them wrong with facts. It’s won by unmasking the lie and spreading the truth. If correct ideas don’t take hold, society will continue its descent. The young are the battleground. If they aren’t reached, the cycle of deception will repeat.
Ludwig von Mises; Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis
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