They Think They are Free

Totalitarianism is now a mass movement, and the individual is ignored.  The average American thinks he is free.  Sometimes I’m not sure if I live in reality or a dystopian novel.  The concept of freedom is non-existent.  They act hysterically and have an abnormal perception of what danger actually exists.  As I pointed out in the book, “politics produces collective hysteria.”

Due to the hysteria and fear, there is uncertainty of what totalitarian measures will be applied tomorrow.  A crowd nor the masses can be trusted to support freedom. Hysteria and fear are incredibly contagious, freedom definitely is not.  The masses have become more interested in fear and hysteria than their own families.  Thus, people are more interested in following statist propaganda than the wellbeing of those they love and often put political pursuits above theirs and their own family’s needs.  Fear is easy, someone else can protect you, the state will fill this role—of course they will always pretend to protect you from anything they can.  Freedom is difficult, you must be responsible for your own actions.

As Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”  The masses are blind to the fact that we are in the midst of evil.  What passes by as education is actually brainwashing and statist propaganda.  Ignorance therefore is the catalyst for fear and the hysteria it has caused.  Those seeking to get voted into office much prefer the masses to be ignorant.  This is by design.  The motive exist to keep this going.  If you don’t recognize this, you are swallowing statist propaganda.

As Thomas Jefferson said, “Timid men…prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.”  Evil starts with small actions, rarely will a totalitarian leader jump to his most drastic measure immediately.  Each event will be worse than the last so you are not shocked by the end.  The totalitarian leader certainly doesn’t want the voters to see his evil ways before he is elected or can fully implement the level of power he desires.  If you realized the totalitarian sentiment, who could you talk to?  The ideas of freedom are as rare as a total solar eclipse.

Of course, you will hear “conspiracy theorist,” “enemy propaganda,” or any other term(s) not to address the substance of the claims.  Yet, this is precisely what Goebbels did.  The mask is the same as the Nazi arm band or the communist red scarf.  I cannot be the only one who sees this.  I understand too many Nazi references have been used over the years, and I’m not trying to make light of that situation.  However, not seeing the parallels is trying to square a circle.

If its not a public health crisis, economic depression (they are never caused by the market), it’ll be another “crisis” papa government can “solve.”  You’ll be difficult to rule if you are free an innocent, so the government will make you unfree and into a criminal.  Arm yourself with ideas, because ideas are what matters—don’t allow yourself to be an enemy or a tool.   As Nietzsche said, “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”  Ignorance is not an excuse, neither is “everyone is doing it.”


Milton Mayer; they thought they were free

Connor Boyack; Feardom; How Politician Exploit Your Emotions and What You Can Do To Stop Them