What is Real Freedom?

Freedom is an extremely misunderstood word.  It’s used by totalitarians to arouse emotion, but very little thought goes into it.  The root of “liberal” is “liber.”  Which means “free.”  Liberty and libertarian have the same root.  It’s used by politicians to mislead the voters—then repeated.  Repeating this lets the statists win and its anti-freedom.  Using the term correctly is not insignificant.  Freedom doesn’t impose any obligations on any others.

The masses must consider how the people must interact.  It shouldn’t matter who’s in office, and who replaces them.  The individual in office shouldn’t alter the way people work together.  The next one in office will, more than likely, be the one who is the best at deceiving people.  The people who go by “liberal” are very illiberal.  That term shouldn’t be used to disguise true intentions.  See through the rabble.

The majority of us prefer health to sickness and abundance to misery.  The statists will try to convince you sickness and misery are good for you.  They will, of course, say this isn’t true.  They’ll promise heaven on earth if you just follow their plan.  This requires strict obedience, and will not deliver the utopia they promise.  The only abundance statism has produced is mass graves.  History is still available if you know where to look. 

Freedom requires you to integrate yourself into the division of labor.  This doesn’t require any outside force.  In a sense, you’re being regulated, not from the state, but from cooperating individuals.  You won’t get the things you need and want if you don’t cooperate.  Cooperation is always more efficient than isolation.  This is not a man-made law.  This is discoverable by reason, and further proven by history.

Preservation of civilization rests on freedom.  Liberals—in the political sense—are statists.  The two have very different meanings and aren’t synonyms.  They’re antonyms.  Using words incorrectly will lead to de-civilization.  Different people in power doesn’t change how people need to cooperate.  We’ll have more goods and services if more people engage in division of labor.  Only freedom can solve the problems the world faces.


Ludwig von Mises; Human Action

Erick von Kuehnelt-Leddihn; Leftism

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