You’re All a Bunch of Keynesians!

There is only one economics.  It is the study of human action.  It does not bend to political trends, academic fads, or the whims of bureaucrats.  The only school that understands this is the Austrian school.  Its founders—Menger, Böhm-Bawerk, and Mises—laid the foundation, and it has remained unshaken.  The central planners and their lapdog economists will tell you otherwise.  They will claim that economics is a science of statistics, that it must be molded to fit industries, policies, and interest groups.  It’s a lie.  Economics is universal, timeless, and rooted in reality.

The Austrian school acknowledges basic truths.  Humans act with purpose.  Value is subjective.  Prices emerge from exchange, not government decree.  The pseudo-economists, the so-called experts, reject this.  They believe the economy can be measured, controlled, and “optimized” through government intervention.  They worship at the altar of Keynes and Marx, thinking they can predict and manipulate human action like a machine.  They want equations, models, and central banks to do what only the free market can: allocate resources efficiently.

This perversion of economics is not accidental.  It serves a purpose.  Governments need justification for their theft and coercion.  Keynesianism, monetarism, and other state-serving doctrines exist to provide it.  They flood academia, choke discourse, and drown out logic with jargon and charts.  Anyone who points out the obvious—like the fact that printing money destroys wealth—is dismissed as “unserious.” They mock praxeology because they cannot refute it.

Trying to restore real economics is an uphill battle.  The statists have rigged the game.  They claim to support “free markets,” but their policies betray them.  Some want a bigger welfare state, others want corporate subsidies, and all of them want control.  Whether it’s through taxation, regulation, or central banking, they demand power over the economy.  No matter what brand of statism they sell, the end result is the same: they want to manage your life.

The truth is simple.  You can’t control the market without distorting it.  You can’t print wealth into existence.  You can’t replace individual decision-making with government decrees.  Economics is not a policy tool—it is a description of reality.  The planners, the academics, the politicians—they are all just priests of a failed religion, desperately trying to keep the illusion alive.  Illusions don’t last forever.  Reality asserts itself, whether they like it or not.


Hans-Hermann Hoppe; Economic Science and the Austrian Method

Murray Rothbard; Economic Controversies

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