Statists contradict themselves one after another. They attempt to justify this nonsense with the reasoning of a sorcerer. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for the party. The victim becomes one with the victimizer after a thorough hypnosis. The victim unwittingly takes over the victimizer’s attitudes and dirty work. They’re completely submissive. It has become a ritual to attack those who haven’t been hypnotized.
While the victimizers are guilty, the victims are made to feel guilty. The victimizers project their guilty conscious on to victims, and the victims onto the bystanders. The non-hypnotized are made into scapegoats. The mental attack is relentless. They won’t stop until you are brainwashed just like them. The victimizers and victims are similar. There will always be hostility towards those who aren’t like them.
Totalitarian suggestions are blasted, and automatically accepted by the masses. This elaborate campaign is breeding an entire generation of totalitarians. The youth will be predisposed to totalitarian thinking. This will seem normal to them. The sorcerers will have an easier time making them think and act like they want. This will place them in great position to win a popularity contest.
Only a sorcerer can justify the actions taken. Reasons are invented and accepted by the masses. Cliches and slogans are rallying cries. This nonsense is only believed by the victims of the sorcerer’s spell. Those who don’t fall under the spell will have their character assassinated. At times, they’ve been able to assassinate them physically. Various threats will cause people to surrender to the sorcerer.
They’ll try to mold young minds so they readily accept totalitarianism when they grow up. Logic can be met with logic. Illogic, on the other hand, can’t. Young minds must learn to think before the sorcerers get to them and try to cast their evil spell. Logic is the enemy of the sorcerer. They would like the entire world to fall under their spell. However, there will always be a few who think. The sorcerers will get the mob to do their dirty work.
Joost Meerloo; The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
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