Ideological Hypnosis

A systematic hammering of certain ideologies will produce the desired effects on many.  This will soften the mind and then it can be manipulated.  This is easier in the age of mass media.  Particularly, when you only have access to certain information.  This is now easier and more effective than ever before.  Those that have control of information, have control of the minds, and can produce the desired ideology.

Hatred is then projected onto others after you have been thoroughly hypnotized.  The mind unconsciously realizes what has happened.  This is an insecure feeling.  There is an inner feeling of insecurity and hatred.  This unconscious feeling creates social strife, and this is projected further to war outside of the borders.  Man is viewed as a robot, and the scapegoats are not viewed as humans.  This makes the crimes easier to commit.

War outside the borders is a dramatization of the inner strife.  This will create new fears and new feelings of insecurity.  The brainwashing can continue.  The public may still have neurosis about the air they breathe, but now they have war neurosis.  This is another way to create dependency.  Only the state can provide the skills and wisdom.  If people object to external conflicts, it’s because they don’t have the wisdom our overlords do.

It’s the younger generations that suffer the most.  Those that don’t take new drugs are made into scapegoats.  That hatred is now projected outside the borders to a new country, and those that live there.  Oh, the hatred of these scapegoats.  This is a misplacement of energy.  The energy is used to aggress against others rather than be productive.  The search for a scapegoat is an attempt to justify the demons in your own soul.

This is simply a magic strategy to relieve him of internal burdens.  They can then devour these fictitious creatures.  This gives them a feeling of power over man—more than they already have.  The scapegoats are portrayed as a devilish animal.  This is a fanatical delusion.  The masses have been hypnotized.  The feelings of the overlords have been safeguarded.  The next step is to make certain looks illegal.  Regimes have called this “physiognomic insubordination.”


Joost Meerloo; The Difficult Peace