Alchemy of Fear

Many different techniques are used to provoke fear in a group.  The techniques are fraudulently concocted to create fear.  These techniques include: isolation, medication, lying, repetition, threats, slogans, and silencing opposing views.  All of these techniques are being used right now or have been used recently.  These techniques are used in order to train the population to respond how the totalitarian leader wants.  They are trying to condition you.

These are the same techniques used to brainwash prisoners of war and cult members.  They are attempting to ingrain the issue so deeply that you’ll no longer question it.  It is much easier to control people by isolating them.  This can remove unnecessary—from the POV of the overlord—stimuluses.  Like friends and family.  A lot gets closed, and monetary stimulus is passed.  This is an attempt to created dependency.

You are then poisoned to make you more submissive.  First the liquor stores were essential, now you need a vaccine.  This is to remove your mental backbone.  Now, you can become dependent on the drug provider.  In this case, the state and pharmaceutical companies.  Drug dependency covers unhappiness.  So, a rebellious attitude is now a submissive attitude.  The masses are no longer responsible individuals.  Freedom ends when drug use begins.

Increased resistance will stem from group discussion.  The overlords cannot allow that.  You’ll be overloaded with official “truths.”  In the past, they used loudspeakers to get out false ideas.  Today, they use the media.  The propaganda is repeated nonstop to create automatic responses, no thinking required.  Facts are replaced with fantasies and ready-made slogans are used.  Soon, the masses are conditioned, and lies become truth.

This is not training, persuading, or even indoctrination.  This is mental coercion and should not be confused to be anything other than that.  They want you accustomed to feeling helpless.  Illogical rules are put in place to get you comfortable with submission.  Each step is little by little to dull you from intrusions.  Become familiar with these techniques.  It is much more difficult to condition someone when they are aware what is happening.


Joost Meerloo; The Rape of the Mind

Denise Winn; The Manipulated Mind

Christopher Kingler; The Art of Psychological Warfare

5 thoughts on “Alchemy of Fear”

  1. Once someone points out the propaganda to you, you are able to see it clearly for what it is. You can pull up your mental defenses and shield yourself from the covert manipulations. How many slogans & empty phrases have we had during this pandemic… “Trust The Science” “Follow The Data” “We’re All In This Together” “99% Effective” “2 Weeks To Flatten The Curve” “Benefits Outweigh The Risks” These words are empty generalities that mean nothing. Yet they are parroted constantly. Why? Repetition makes for easy brainwashing.

    Once you see it, you can’t unsee..

    If this was a true emergency for every man, woman, and child (vs 98% surviveable virus), there would be no need for constant slogans & nonstop public “health” marketing (nudging); the masses would see rampant illness & deaths in their own lives, & they would instinctually take precautions to stay safe (prlly by locking themselves inside).

    Instead we have billboards, radio, TV commercials, 24/7 fear porn on the News, daytime talk shows, schools, and workplaces blasting us with carefully crafted messages, all intended to manipulate us into certain behaviors (isolate from your support network, give up your job, shut your business, reduce your salary, find a new apartment, keep your kids home from school, change your career goals, live in fear of the world & all humans. Stay glued to your TV, frightened & anxious & in the perfect mental state to absorb more propaganda. It’s called TV PROGRAMMING for a reason.

    The flip flopping of public health guidelines & social distancing measures & contradictory Faucisms proves they are trying to disorient you of your senses. They know an overwhelmed population is an exhausted population; people will do anything to make the psychological tortue & cognitive dissonance stop– even line their kids up for an experimental mRNA vaccine, when their kid has already defeated the virus.

    Even if everyone woke up from TV’s spell tmw, it would take years to de program your loved ones, after the mindwarp society has been put through.

    Like they say: WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!

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