Modern day exchange is barter done with a medium. This is called a money. When you buy something, you are … Read the rest
The Lowest of all Species—The Parasite
The Philosophy of the State
The idea of the state is that nothing is higher than them. They despise religion, truth, and anything else where … Read the rest
The Objective Nature of Law
Nothing is learned through the senses. They are learned through the intellect with the aid of senses. There must be … Read the rest
The Politburo Money
A money is something that is a medium of exchange. Money isn’t a creature of the state. It might seem … Read the rest
The Unwelcome Truth about Inflation
Many don’t realize it, but inflation is violence. Inflation is a policy result and is done covertly. The decline in … Read the rest
The Fall of Civilization
The fall of civilization is at the gates. A psychological condition has taken hold of mankind. Individuals have lost belief … Read the rest
The Nonvoluntary Price of Labor
Labor is a scarce factor of production. It must be economized. Labor is bought and sold on the market. The … Read the rest
The Corrosive Predicament
Prices will fall on a free market. We don’t have a free market. In fact, the system isn’t even designed … Read the rest
The World of Half-Baked Ideas
These half-baked ideas infect the minds of many. Much more than just statists. They infect the minds of those who … Read the rest