The law that’s absolutely supreme, inescapable, and eternal is natural law. We can only have justice if natural law … Read the rest
Freedom or Statism
We can either have freedom or statism but not both. Statism is being pushed all over the world. Freedom can’t … Read the rest
Effects of Inflation
Inflation leads to the business cycle, without a doubt. However, it can do something much more sinister, completely obliterate … Read the rest
The idea that interfering with property rights will not influence production is absurd. It’s extremely naïve to think confiscating … Read the rest
What is Justice?
There is only one absolute standard of justice, that’s property rights. Peaceful cooperation would’ve never emerged had property rights … Read the rest
Pseudo-Free Trade Agreements
Free trade is used to bamboozle the public. It’s how the establishment labels agreements to gain popular support. These so-called … Read the rest
Purchasing Power of Money
Price is the result of the subjective valuations of the exchangers. One good is being exchanged for another. The exchangers … Read the rest
Bastiat’s Broken Window
An action produces a series of effects. These effects can be divided up between the seen effects and the unseen … Read the rest
Ideological Hypnosis
A systematic hammering of certain ideologies will produce the desired effects on many. This will soften the mind and then … Read the rest
The Size of the Social Unit: Centralization
A state is an entity that has a territorial monopoly of exploitation. This takes the form of: legal institutions, … Read the rest