Bizarre Egalitarianism

It’s not unusual for many to cede the moral high ground to the left.  However, they say, it’s impractical and short run gains are possible.  Any short run gains are doomed to failure once the moral high ground is ceded.  They aren’t on the moral high ground.  It’s evil and has mountains of empirical evidence to back this up.  The free market is practical and moral.  Morals can’t be claimed by anyone who opposes freedom.

It’s now freedom that seems impractical.  Freedom gets the stigma of immoral and impracticality.  People willingly give up their freedom from this stigma.  The left can make ridiculous claims with impunity if they appear to have justice on their side.  It doesn’t matter that the claims are immoral and unethical.  The masses don’t perceive it that way.  They are presenting the ideal situation in what appears to be moral.

If a theory doesn’t work in practice it’s just a bad theory.  In the case of the left’s theory, it’s a ruthless theory.  There’s no separation between theory and practice.  The left’s theory is an unethical one.  There’s no way around that.  If the theory is ruthless, and it is, it’s bizarre to work towards that.  The ethics and morals must be considered.  They can’t be given away or ignored.  Envy has become institutionalized.

The call for equality is disguised envy.  Any egalitarian idea must be enforced by coercion.  You are letting violence in through the back door once you cede the moral high ground.  People are not equal, and force is required to make them so.  There is no stopping to this.  The tyranny will never end.  Egalitarianism is antihuman.  It should be clear why some succeed in one endeavor and others in another.

New oppressed classes will constantly be discovered.  People differ in large and small details.  This can range from biological differences to interest in a certain subject.  Biology must be destroyed because there are clear differences.  The war on culture is an attempt to change the small differences.  It will not stop there.  These ideas aren’t moral.  They promote violence and violate ethics.  Don’t cede the moral high ground.


Murray Rothbard; Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature

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