Freedom is to oppose all aggressions against private property. Many support this in theory, but reality is quite different. … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
State Deification
The state has become an idol and men worship it. This is an incredibly dangerous religion. This could easily … Read the rest
Protection Doctrine
Every individual has the natural right to protect himself from invaders. The government protecting you from crimes is at least … Read the rest
Destroying Language
Language must be destroyed to destroy freedom. The so-called experts are experts in the field of twisting and torturing words. … Read the rest
Reserve Fund
The reserve fund is the amount of capital that has accumulated over the years. Using the reserve fund can give … Read the rest
Many people support freedom in name only. There are many made up terms and terms used incorrectly. The masses—by … Read the rest
Management to Serve the Masses
There are two methods of management, bureaucratic and profit. Only one method of management is for peaceful cooperation. … Read the rest
The Market or Coercion
Either the market or coercion exists. It’s impossible to have both. There can’t even be a smooth transition. They … Read the rest
Intentional Debasement
Debasement of the money isn’t new. Money was most commonly debased by shaving off the edges of coins and … Read the rest
Democracy Needs Fear
The demagogues are the ones who win popularity contests in a democracy. Those who perpetuate fear are the ones who … Read the rest