It’s flat out absurd that inflation is caused by anybody or anything other than the central bank. Anyone propounding … Read the rest
Author: Michael DeVinney
There’s not much more unpopular than capitalism today. That means, there’s not much more unpopular than the individual. That means, … Read the rest
Legalized Counterfeiting
Counterfeiting money is punished for good reason. It’s a grave problem that the so-called protectors of private property begin counterfeiting.… Read the rest
You’re all a Bunch of Socialists!
There is only one economics. This is known as the Austrian school. It’s referred to that because the founders were … Read the rest
Cooperation is the Enemy
The market is characterized by human cooperation. Statism is characterized by violence. The two can’t exist simultaneously. Therefore, statism is … Read the rest
The Statist Chimera
The statist idea is to establish a coercive monopoly in a territorial area. Particularly, in the area of law and … Read the rest
Gold: Protection from Parasites
Gold has been chosen as a medium of exchange for thousands of years. A medium of exchange is necessary for … Read the rest
The Market in Statism?
The market doesn’t exist in statism. It’s nothing more than a pseudo-market. The statists will claim its better, they … Read the rest
Who Benefits in War?
War only benefits the political class, or the elites as they now openly call themselves. The average citizen is harmed.… Read the rest
Is Equilibrium Possible?
It’s impossible to ever achieve equilibrium. Equilibrium is a goal entrepreneurs strive to. However, this goal is never reached. … Read the rest