Capitalism Explained

Capitalism is the only free economic system.  Prices, interest rates, profit and loss, can all be explained by the method of economics—deduction.    Those who claim its and experimental science are just seeking power over you.  Not only do they fail to understand economics, but they also fail to understand history.  Private property is necessary for civilization.  Only capitalism allows private property.

The average person enjoys amenities rulers of the past never even thought of.  The individuals that oppose capitalism call everything they don’t like capitalism—or some variation.  However, any success of the masses is from private property.  The things they claim to dislike are statists policies, the exact policies they support—they’re advocates for totalitarianism.  Everything other than capitalism is evil.  Capitalism is the only salvation.

Achievements are not an accident.  Many are not aware of statist consequences.  Calculation, capital consumption, business cycles, inflation, and many more negative effects go away with capitalism.  Profit seeking entrepreneurs attempt to meet the demands of the real world.  They always seek to meet the demands of the consumers.  They make profits if they are successful, suffer losses if they are unsuccessful. 

Technological improvements don’t hurt anyone.  There is creative destruction—old industries are replaced with new innovative ones.  Those old industries are the ones that bribe the state to give them preferential policies because they are having difficulties with competition.  Traditional methods of production are revolutionized with new ones.  This can only happen when you can use your property how you see fit. 

Moving away from capitalism is moving closer to savagery.  Many believe it’s a legitimate task of the state to make things better.  They can’t, it’s impossible.  The masses might sympathize with nonsense.  Don’t be fooled by this drivel.  Only capitalism can make things better for the masses.  Resist the powerful pressure groups.  Logic isn’t on their side.   They’re just louder.  Only capitalism helps the masses.


Ludwig von Mises; Human Action

Murray Rothbard; Man, Economy, and State