Lies Disguised as Truth

Propaganda has an intent.  Lies aren’t told just for the sake of lying.  What you’re fed wont work unless you were properly educated by the state.  Minds have to be conditioned so they’re ready to receive incoherent information.  You’re fed facts disguised as education all your life.  In fact, you’re being pre-conditioned to receive propaganda.  The conditioning you receive earlier in life continues through adulthood.

The so-called intellectuals are extremely susceptible to propaganda.  They’re more intelligent than most people.  They have the ability to absorb information better than most.  As thought leaders, they feel pressured to have an opinion on various issues.  Many times, issues they have no expertise in.  They’re more likely to repeat the information which they’re familiar with.  They have become mouthpieces for the state.

The truth isn’t determined by popular vote.  Propaganda relies heavily on ignoring this.  The propagandist will appeal to the masses, and truth is declared because the majority of people support it.  This is a logical fallacy.  Truth doesn’t care if a lot of people think one thing or another.  Social proof isn’t proof.  Next time you hear: a lot of people think so; remember, that’s a fallacy to get you to abandon logic.

The propagandist isn’t happy with some success.  This will cause people from being prohibited to discuss certain issues.  This might cause them to find truth and abandon the lies they’ve been fed.  Therefore, free discussion must be eliminated.  That means ending free speech.  Real information will get labeled mis/dis information.  It pretty much means it’s required reading if something gets that label.

You’re told lies your entire life.  From school to TV.  The schooling young in life is to pre-condition you.  The propaganda you hear on TV reinforces what you learned as a child.  There’s a reason the overlords want college to be part of public education.  This reason should be obvious.  It doesn’t matter how ridiculous the propaganda gets.  Ridiculous propaganda is part of the conditioning process.  They’ll never quit.


Jacques Ellul; Propaganda

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