
Man has a desire to create relationships in his mind.  Stimulus to reward and flattery is acceptable to the human.  Man is more amenable to brainwashing than other animals.  It’s easier for man to become unconditioned.  Slow and patient repetition is required to keep him in submission.  It’s easy for him to give up habits and resort back to his old behavior if propaganda is not repeated ad nauseum.

They’re really frightened over the hidden thoughts in their unconscious.  Their unconscious thoughts make them more amenable to suggestions and propaganda.  It’s easier for the propagandist to develop a rapport with the subject.  This will give them the feeling that their seducers really care about them.  The brainwashee is more likely to repeat slogans and phrases, or have the proper reflexive behavior.

Changing definitions keep you in a state of confusion.  Free exchange of thoughts and ideas is regarded as taboo.  The subject is much more unlikely to become conditioned if ideas and thoughts are permitted.  The propagandist will isolate the victim and prevent free speech.  Man has no opportunity to think when he’s in distress.  The ideal education is one controlled by the propagandists.  

If the mind can question the propaganda, the mind may not develop the prescribed reflexive behavior.  This will break the never-ending social dependency.  You will overcome the statist complex.  Social dependency is designed to be reinforced by drugs.  This is exactly what the drug dealer does.  Just like the user becomes dependent on the dealer.  The brainwashee becomes dependent on the state.

The more familiar people are with the techniques, the more likely they will be able to resist the mental coercion.  It’s not obvious what’s organic and non-organic.  There is nearly an urge to be conditioned.  Compliance is not a means for self-preservation.  Resist the propaganda by understanding the techniques they use.   This is not new.  Totalitarian societies take on a similar structure and follow steps to condition you just as Pavlov outlined.


Joost Meerloo; The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

Friedrich Nietzsche; Hammer of the Gods