Natural Elite

The masses are inundated with propaganda.  This begins at an early age and lasts the rest of your life.  The masses mindlessly accept the nonsense peddled by public school, college, the news, and what people say.  It’s drivel and social proof isn’t proof.  Even if this is realized, dogmas are accepted.  One dogma that’s accepted more than any other: democracy is a good form of government.

I know people are thinking: men died for democracy.  This is wrong.  If people actually learned about the founding of the U.S., they would know the founders despised democracy.  They all viewed it as mob rule.  They didn’t declare independence because of monarchy.  The declaration doesn’t say anything about monarchy, they’re charges about the current king.  Throughout history, nearly everyone had come to the same conclusion about democracy

As de La Boétie put it, the “fools…do not realize that they are merely recovering a portion of their own property, and that their ruler could not have given them what they were receiving without having first taken it from them…There are always a few, better endowed than others, who feel the weight of the yoke and cannot restrain themselves from attempting to shake it off.”   Here he is pointing out that it is impossible to receive more than you pay and a natural elite exists.

Truth cannot succeed unless the masses are reached.  Truthful ideas must be communicated to the public.  Those in power are not the natural elite.  They simply won a popularity contest.  They are not better endowed than others.  Votes are bought with the money taken away, but remember, it is impossible to receive more than what is paid.  Also, remember, wealth cannot be printed.  All sorts of nonsense will be pushed but this is what it translates to.

It’s fine to speak up if there is something wrong with a system.  It’s extremely naïve to think the system is good but the right people have to be in charge.  The system is inherently bad and the people in charge or potential people in charge are not remotely in favor of freedom.  As much as the people think that, it is ideas that matter.  No ruling class can exist for an extended period of time without popular support.  We must be like the little girl in the fairy tale and point out that the emperor has no clothes.


Hans-Hermann Hoppe; Democracy—The God That Failed

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