Rights in Statism

You don’t have rights in statism.  You only have duty to the overlords.  You are engaging in mutually beneficial transactions under capitalism.  That is not the case in statism.  You are engaging in a transaction to benefit the totalitarian leaders.  The statist apologists will say society is organized and all sorts of rights will be invented.  The state directs economic activity and it’s chaos.  No one has a right to someone else’s labor.

Private ownership doesn’t contest the need for a legal order.  There must be some level of coercion to deal with asocial individuals.  The problem is ownership.  Statism isn’t seeking control of the asocial individual.  It’s seeking control of all activity.  It controls it directly or indirectly.  Not only that, statism seeks to make those who cooperate into criminals.  You are then violating what the state deems to be its property.

The individual is controlled by political influence.  There will always be created law to set legal limits on various freedoms.  These limits will prevent the freedom of expression.  It will, does, violate private property in all aspects.  Violation of private property is dismissed by easily remembered slogans.  These easily remembered slogans always serve to propagate these statist ideas.  Slogans are use rather than logical argumentation.

There are some that believe it.  There are some who don’t believe these statist ideas but push them to win the popularity contest.  There are also some who know it violates property but think its justified.  They will put forward all sorts of schemes, all nonsense, and try to justify these evil schemes.  This is very absurd to some.  They even recognize these statists as evil—not the ones who sincerely believe this nonsense. 

They wouldn’t push these evil schemes if they cared about the welfare of the masses.  The only quasi-rights you have are the ones assigned to you by the overlords.  This is just evil.  Don’t cede the moral high ground to those that have no ground to stand on.  Evil propaganda must be countered.    Rights aren’t assigned.  You own your body and that is an eternal truth.  Evil actions can’t be justified.  Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Ludwig von Mises; Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis

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