The Crucifixion: A Centralization Effort

The most famous crucifixion of all time was a centralization effort.  Jesus was a popular figure and an easy scapegoat.  He was said to be: perverting the nation because he didn’t want people to have their wealth stolen from them.  This is a detachment from reality.  This is nothing more than projection.  After all, many of his followers were fishermen and couldn’t afford to have more of their limited wealth forcibly removed.  Rich or poor, either way, it’s a violation of private property and Jesus never advocated aggression against others.

This “radical” idea to be free might stir up the people.  Wanting to be free is simply unacceptable and something had to be done.  Bingo!  The empire will sanction the crucifixion.  To be clear, Jesus was not a threat to the empire, he had no plans to steal money in perpetuity, raise an army, he just wanted to follow the truth.  At this point, they have reached a state of panic.  He was a threat because truth was becoming too popular.  His enemies were gripped by fear rather than rage.  Unable to admit to their personal faults and weaknesses.  They have succumbed to false ideas and imaginary hobgoblins.

Jesus wanted freedom, to speak the truth, and help people out of the kindness of his heart, not through the power of the “coldest of all cold monsters.”  The freedom he sought was “perverting” the people.  At most, he was a nonviolent revolutionary.  He was not secretly planning to overthrow anyone or take power from anyone.  They were suffering from mass psychosis.  He was honest and wanted people to be nice to each other, this was “radical” and was “perverting” the people, Jesus had to be removed in the eyes of the overlords.

Anyone who claims to be an individual opposes this “new idol.”  Common decency no longer exists.  All Christians should fervently oppose all centralization efforts which are totalitarian in nature.  Crimes that couldn’t be committed alone are committed by the masses.   Unlike, that “fox” or “preacher of death” in the Vatican, the great centralizer.  Helping people should come from the kindness of your heart, not the “coldest of all cold monsters,” which means aggression, and he is clearly in favor of that.  Those suffering from this mass psychosis cannot reflect on their madness.  They temporarily become the devil.  Others that haven’t fallen mad yet must see before it is too late.


The Bible

Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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