Your rights are despised under statism. Regardless of how much there’s talk about rights and invented rights. They despise you being free. You being free is antithetical to what they’re trying to accomplish. That is, the masses in complete subjection. It’s certainly possible that they are convinced what they are doing is beneficial. This is worse than knowingly pursuing evil ends. They can pursue evil with a clear conscience, and torture you with no end in sight.
They don’t want you to receive income for labor. All you’re doing in this situation is trading labor for money. This is a voluntary contractual exchange. You may even decide to trade your labor services for money for forty hours a week. The statists will be envious if they think your labor services are worth too much. That the money should be forcefully taken from you, and the state can dole it out how they see fit.
They will use slogans to gain support for this criminal activity. They might say it’s: fair, a living wage, equality, or any other slogans or catchwords. It’s all disguise for force. They won’t explain any of this. It’ll all be vague because that’s the only way they can get support for violence. This is the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. The paradise they present is not a real place, and you shouldn’t be fooled to believe it is.
They want you to believe rights aren’t natural. The statists will argue that rights are given by the state, and the state can take them away. All rights preexist the state. The state can’t grant or take them away. All they can do is violate rights. The mob can vote away rights once this nonsense is believed. The state isn’t removing rights it gave you. The mob voted for the state to violate your rights. The mob is a weapon of mass destruction.
The state despises your rights. It must gain popular support to violate its citizens’ rights. It can do this by various abstract terms. The mob then assumes these are real things and real arguments. Your rights are natural. They were there at the beginning of time, and they will exist at the end of time. It can only violate rights, that’s all. That’s why Nietzsche called it “the coldest of all cold monsters.”
Ludwig von Mises; Socialism
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